Thursday 29 December 2016

Rain Water Harvesting

Rain Water Harvesting has a very good potential to fulfill your water requirements for Farming.
1 inch of Rain fall X 1 sq.ft area of your farm = 3 Litres of Rain Water per sq.ft.
Hyderabad's Average Rainfall per year = 31 inches.
Therefore,  on an average 31 inches of Rain fall x 1 sq.ft. area of your farm = 93 Litres of Rain Water per sq.ft., per year.

1 Acre = 43,560 sq.fts.
As such, 7.5 Acres = 43,560 sq.fts. x 7.5 acres = 3,26,700 sq.fts.

Therefore, Every year Rain Water Harvesting potential with your Farm Area of 7.5 Acres = 3,26,700 sq.fts. x 93 Litres of Rain Water per sq.ft.
  = 3,03,83,100 Litres of Rain Water per year.

As such, per day your RWH system could provide your farm with - 3,03,83,100 Litres / 365 days = 83,241 Litres per day.

i.e. 11,099 Litres per acre / Day - (83,241 Litres per day / 7.5 acres)

RWH system is just like a Bank Account, where you can withdraw the money deposited in your account, as per your requirement, round the year.

To deposit the Rain Water for your round the year requirement, you need to charge & store this huge Rain Water quantity into ground water source via Borewell / Ringwell / Open well, Making huge water storage ponds etc. would not be advisable as it would occupy the space, Evaporation loss, possibility of contamination etc.

For Example -

If you have an existing Borewell, with per hour yield of 3,500/- litres per Hour (LPH) i.e. 84,000 Litres per day (3,500 LPH x 24 Hours), you are able to charge the Rain Water @ 3,500 LPH, as such, by charging the Rain water into the underground source you are able to augment the yield of the borewell by at least 1.5 times.  

By charging the Rain Water into the underground water sources we are making Nature to Work for us.

Natures Job Human beings should not do & cannot do.

I hope the above given short summary of the RWH potential for your requirements for farming, would help.


Monday 27 June 2016

Brinjal in Precision Farming

The precision farming in brinjal in the farmer Mr.Gajendiran 's field earned 5.16 lac rupees per acre in a year . The field was drip irrigated in a 4 ' broad bed in double row planting system .. the brinjal yielded continuously for 8 months with annual yield of 86 MT and sold @ Rs.6 per kg .Basal application of organic manures and bio fertilizers and water soluble fertilizers given at weekly interval made the brinjal crop flowers continuously ..

Thursday 23 June 2016

Polyhouse with Capsicums

4300 sq mtr polyhouse with capsicums

Talking about equipment, the below are the details -
1) 16mm drip system (make - finolex plasson)
2) fogging system (make - finolex plasson)
3) HTP sprayer (runs on electric motor as well as desiel engine) - for spraying purpose
4) 7 hp submersible pump ( for drip and fogging )
5) 5 hp diesel motor ( make - field marshal )
6) drip system includes ventuari system (for fertilization) and a disc filter.

Costs incurred. - both my site are 3 yrs old. but to give you an idea, the same are below -
      - Polyhouse - Rs. 480 / sq. mtr
      - drip, fogging, venturi, disc filter - Rs. 280000
      - Basal dose (rice husk, compost, red soil, nutrient soil from dam, fertilizers etc) - Rs. 550000
      - HTP sprayer (with eletric motor & diesel motor) & 5 HP Diesel motor (make - field marshal)  - Rs. 73000
      - Seeds - (Namdhari NS280 & NS 281) - Rs. 160000
      - Bed Making - Rs 20000
      - G.I & MS Wires for top support system in capsicum - Rs. 10500
      - Polyester Thread for tying plant - Rs. 11000

Taiwan Guava Plantation

Three types of Taiwan guava cultivars are
1.Taiwanese guava – single fruit weight 400 – 700 grams
2.Century guava         - single fruit weight 200 – 400 grams
3.Pearl guava     -    single fruit weight 200 – 400 grams
Spacing = 12 -15 feet plant to plant and row to row
PH = 4.5 to 8.2 but best PH range is 6.5 to 7.5 ( near neutral PH )
Temperature range 15 to 34 degree celsius
Rainfall = 1000 to 3800 mm well distributed through out year
Relative humidity = 70-90%
Total number of plants per acre = 250
Training and pruning = In 5-6 month old plants , cut the terminal portion to the height of 2 – 3 feet , allow 4 to 5 main branches , and 2 to 3 sub main branches and maintain dome shape .
Yield per plant 35 to 40 kgs per plant and  around 7500 kgs per acre
But Taiwan guava can also be planted in moderate density of  3M * 2 M spacing with 600 plants per acre and per acre yield of 12 ,000 kgs .
To achieve this yield , proper irrigation network , basal application of organic manure and water soluble fertilizers evenly supplied in various growing phase is necessary.
The taiwanese guava for its aroma, flavor , Mineral and aminoacids and crispiness finds excellent foreign market in canada, Hng hong , Malaysia , china and indonesia and singapore ..In near future Taiwanese guava will sure catch its market in important cities in India . Few Guava fruits keeps doctors and clinics away from general people

Thursday 31 March 2016

Osage Orange Living Fence

1.Collect “oranges” in fall and store them in buckets exposed to freeze-thaw cycles and even rain and snow  all winter.
2.During the same fall,plow a furrow where you want the hedge.Leave it open & let the soil mellow over winter.
3. The following spring, at about corn planting time, add a bit of water to the buckets and mash the fermented oranges into a thick slurry.
4. Dribble the slurry along the furrow.
5. Partially backfill the furrow with some soil to cover the seeds.
6. If it seems prudent (i.e., the tree seedlings are consistently crowded), thin the seedlings to about 18 inches.
7. In fall, lay the seedlings over in the trench, weaving them together. Backfill the trench, but don’t cover the entire stem of any tree.
8. The second year, the trees will sprout a mess of lateral branches that will grow straight up.
9. In the second fall, weave the new vertical stems together so you get a horizontal stem barrier about 2 feet from the ground.
10. In the third year, prune the hedge’s shoots to the final height you desire (4 to 5 feet works well for most purposes). Pruning the rapidly growing verticals several times over the summer will stimulate the lower buds and branches to produce more (and more vigorous) growth.

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Melon Cultivation