Thursday 29 December 2016

Rain Water Harvesting

Rain Water Harvesting has a very good potential to fulfill your water requirements for Farming.
1 inch of Rain fall X 1 sq.ft area of your farm = 3 Litres of Rain Water per sq.ft.
Hyderabad's Average Rainfall per year = 31 inches.
Therefore,  on an average 31 inches of Rain fall x 1 sq.ft. area of your farm = 93 Litres of Rain Water per sq.ft., per year.

1 Acre = 43,560 sq.fts.
As such, 7.5 Acres = 43,560 sq.fts. x 7.5 acres = 3,26,700 sq.fts.

Therefore, Every year Rain Water Harvesting potential with your Farm Area of 7.5 Acres = 3,26,700 sq.fts. x 93 Litres of Rain Water per sq.ft.
  = 3,03,83,100 Litres of Rain Water per year.

As such, per day your RWH system could provide your farm with - 3,03,83,100 Litres / 365 days = 83,241 Litres per day.

i.e. 11,099 Litres per acre / Day - (83,241 Litres per day / 7.5 acres)

RWH system is just like a Bank Account, where you can withdraw the money deposited in your account, as per your requirement, round the year.

To deposit the Rain Water for your round the year requirement, you need to charge & store this huge Rain Water quantity into ground water source via Borewell / Ringwell / Open well, Making huge water storage ponds etc. would not be advisable as it would occupy the space, Evaporation loss, possibility of contamination etc.

For Example -

If you have an existing Borewell, with per hour yield of 3,500/- litres per Hour (LPH) i.e. 84,000 Litres per day (3,500 LPH x 24 Hours), you are able to charge the Rain Water @ 3,500 LPH, as such, by charging the Rain water into the underground source you are able to augment the yield of the borewell by at least 1.5 times.  

By charging the Rain Water into the underground water sources we are making Nature to Work for us.

Natures Job Human beings should not do & cannot do.

I hope the above given short summary of the RWH potential for your requirements for farming, would help.