Friday 7 March 2014

Polyhouse Expenditure

Intresting Article About PolyHouse...

I am a farmer based in Nasik, Maharashtra, and i grow Capsicums (red,yellow,green)
Recently i did plantation for my 4300 sq mtr(1.07 acre) polyhouse with capsicums.

Costs incurred. - both my site are 3 yrs old. but to give you an idea, the same are below -
- Polyhouse - Rs. 480 / sq. mtr
- drip, fogging, venturi, disc filter - Rs. 280000
- Basal dose (rice husk, compost, red soil, nutrient soil from dam, fertilizers etc) - Rs. 550000
- HTP sprayer (with eletric motor & diesel motor) & 5 HP Diesel motor (make - field marshal)  - Rs. 73000
- Seeds - (Namdhari NS280 & NS 281) - Rs. 160000
- Bed Making - Rs 20000
- G.I & MS Wires for top support system in capsicum - Rs. 10500
- Polyester Thread for tying plant - Rs. 11000

Life of this crop and total production expected. - different people have different answers, they only know the truth. my experience says that the life time of capsicum is 20 days germination, and than around an year after plantation. could vary depending on conditions. about production. again i've heard stories of people taking out so much production which makes me wonder. my actual production was 7.3 kg/sq mtr (good quality) and 1.2 kg/sq mtr (second quality)

Expected profit ( if you are comfortable sharing true figures ;-) ) - you said expected kedar, so theres no limit

Type of soil and changes done if any.. - i've used a mixture of red soil, rice husk, POITA (soil which i got while the dam was being deepened), cow dung, neem cakes (pend)

Tuesday 4 March 2014

How to find Ground water

Intresting Post...

This following technique is used in village areas.The bore well companies are using this techinque.Even the modern technolgy has failed but this never failed.It is unbelivable.

Take a 2 feet long small thin flexible NEEM tree stick.make the stick in the U shape.Hold one end at one hand and other end at other hand.The ends should meet your inner part of hands and it should not touch the fingers.

Do not hold the stick heavily.Now by holding stick move around the ground.

If the underwater level is high in a particular area the stick in your hands will automatically rotate at high speed.Depending on the underwater level the stick will rotate.

Only experts can give accurate result.Please call any Borewell operator they will must have the knowledge.

Call one operator it is not expensive.

If there is heavy rock under the ground the stick will not rotate but machine system will give you a wrong information.

This results are 100% accurate by proper experts.Even machine equipments are failure but it is not failure.

In souhthern areas every person above 60 years are having good knowledge about this and they can do.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Impressed Article

BANGALORE: At a time when there is a strong perception that farming is not a profitable venture, this farmer from Tapasihalli in Doddaballapur taluk has created waves by earning a profit of about Rs. 22 lakh a year from merely 2.1 acres of land.

It is his innovative drive and constant experimentation with multi-cropping methods that have helped 51-year-old H. Sadananda to reap a rich harvest.

He cultivates nearly 30 varieties of crop on his land, including tomato and areca on half an acre each which yield him Rs. 2 lakh and Rs. 50,000 respectively.

Ginger is cultivated along with areca in the plantation, and it yields him about Rs. 70,000 a year. Mr. Sadananda has also made space in his areca plantation for rearing 250 Giriraja hens which he sells every three months to earn about Rs. 1 lakh a year. The poultry droppings are valuable manure for the areca plantation while agricultural waste is used as feed for the birds.

He has planted about 2,000 rose cuttings on three-fourth of an acre, which fetches him about Rs. 4 lakh a year, and has set up a greenhouse on one-fourth of an acre for cultivating capsicum and high-quality rose alternatively. Capsicum, cultivated for about six months, yields him about Rs. 5.4 lakh while the rose variety that replaces capsicum for the next six months gets him about Rs. 2.5 lakh a year. A small vegetable garden, a fish-rearing pond, coconut and jackfruit trees on the periphery of his land, in addition to coffee plants, papaya, sapota and lime trees also find a place. His cows produce 80 to 100 litres of milk a day.


Manure comes from vermicompost and the slurry from a gobar gas plant. A tiny pond is filled with azolla plants which is a good cow feed.

Mr. Sadananda, who depends on borewell for irrigation, has installed drip irrigation system for the entire land at a cost of Rs. 50,000 (excluding subsidy). “Drip irrigation allows me to irrigate my entire land even with four hours of three-phase power,” he says. Besides, it prevents weeds and also saves him about Rs. 400 a day in labour costs.

Interestingly, he also breeds Rottweiler and Great Dane breeds of dogs to earn Rs. 1.2 lakh a year.

He has been honoured with prestigious awards by the Union Ministry of Agriculture. Several agricultural scientists, farmers and VIPs from India and abroad visit his farm.

Innovative ideas

Mr. Sadananda says that his farm income increased after he adopted innovative ideas provided by the Department of Biotechnology's Bio-Resource Complex project taken up in his village. He can be contacted on 9342022146.

Artificial Pond

Artificial pond with geo-membrane lining.capacity is 75 lakh litre