Friday 7 March 2014

Polyhouse Expenditure

Intresting Article About PolyHouse...

I am a farmer based in Nasik, Maharashtra, and i grow Capsicums (red,yellow,green)
Recently i did plantation for my 4300 sq mtr(1.07 acre) polyhouse with capsicums.

Costs incurred. - both my site are 3 yrs old. but to give you an idea, the same are below -
- Polyhouse - Rs. 480 / sq. mtr
- drip, fogging, venturi, disc filter - Rs. 280000
- Basal dose (rice husk, compost, red soil, nutrient soil from dam, fertilizers etc) - Rs. 550000
- HTP sprayer (with eletric motor & diesel motor) & 5 HP Diesel motor (make - field marshal)  - Rs. 73000
- Seeds - (Namdhari NS280 & NS 281) - Rs. 160000
- Bed Making - Rs 20000
- G.I & MS Wires for top support system in capsicum - Rs. 10500
- Polyester Thread for tying plant - Rs. 11000

Life of this crop and total production expected. - different people have different answers, they only know the truth. my experience says that the life time of capsicum is 20 days germination, and than around an year after plantation. could vary depending on conditions. about production. again i've heard stories of people taking out so much production which makes me wonder. my actual production was 7.3 kg/sq mtr (good quality) and 1.2 kg/sq mtr (second quality)

Expected profit ( if you are comfortable sharing true figures ;-) ) - you said expected kedar, so theres no limit

Type of soil and changes done if any.. - i've used a mixture of red soil, rice husk, POITA (soil which i got while the dam was being deepened), cow dung, neem cakes (pend)

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