Friday 22 February 2013

Is it possible to earn one lakh or ten lakh / acre / year from farming?

Recently i read this in one Agriculture forum......

Date of plantation:- 26-Jan-2010.
Total Extent:- 3 Acres,
Total number of Plants:-2400.
Total tenure of crops:- 2 Years concluded in Feb-2012.

Number of  Fruits average per plant:- 150.
Average weight of fruit:- 1 kg 100 grms (weight is 2.8 kg & lowest 450 grms)
Average Sale rate per KG:- Rs.4/- (Lowest rate Rs.3.25 & Highest is Rs.11/-
Wastage deduction is 5kgs for fruits for each 100kgs.
Expenditure for plant is from beginning to end excluding harvesting charges
borne by buyers:- Rs.150/-
90% fruits sold in Farm & 10% supplied to HOPCOMS @ Bangalore.

Total Income is Rs.14,00,000/-
Total Expenditure is Rs.3,60,000/-
Income per Acre if Two Years is Rs.1040000/-
Income per Acare per year Rs.173333/-

Apart from the Papaya, the bonus is Main Mango crop within border and Silver Oak and other fruit crops on Borders.Few fruits had been sent to friends at Bangalore, Chennai, Hederabad, Mysore, Mangalore etc.Finally we and our friends i.e. Birds, Monkeys, Cattle, Dogs, Chicken, Sheep and mother earth tasted them.

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