Wednesday 20 February 2013

Is it possible to make 10 laks/acre/year ?

I have been reading your forum for some time,but interesting in farming.
I wanted to ask this question to your farming members. Is it possible to
get 10 lakhs per acre per year from farming. This is why I ask.

Recently i read this in one Agriculture forum......

He has 10 acres there on which he grows rubber, pepper, cardamon, turmeric, chicken,goats, etc. He says he gets gross income of 1 crore from 10 acres. We
asked him more detail and from his malayalam, our marathi and some
kannada and english in between, this is calculation.

Income from rubber - 10 acres - 15.00 lakhs
Sale of pepper, cardamon, turmeric, etc - 10 lakhs
Sale of 150 goats @ 4,000 - 6.00 lakhs
sale of 150 goats @ 8,000 in Id festival - 12.00 lakhs
sale of eggs @ 3,000 eggs/day for 300 days @ 2.5/egg - 22.5 lakhs
sale of chicken - 100 kgs/week @ 60/kg - 3 lakhs
sale of vegatables from polyhouse - 1/2 acre - 5 lakhs
Sale of flowers (rose, jasmine, aster, etc) from polyhouse - 7.5 lakhs
Sale of fish from 1/2 acre pond - 100 kgs/week @ 100/kg - 5.00 lakhs

The total so far is 86 lakhs. But he says some years he gets more
than 1 crore. Sometimes, also his income reduce to 50-60 lakhs.

He says he doesnt weed, but keeps goats in movable paddocks between
rubber trees. Same thing also for chicken. So he doesnt spend for feed
too much and gets benfit of waste dropping for rubber, peper and other
plants. He doesnt use fertiliser or pesticides. He has 8 cows and he
uses their dung as fertiliser. Also there is no smell of cow, chicken
and goat s**t. In his polyhouse he grows out of season vegetables and
flowers. He has two sons, one is engineer in Mumbai and other is
studying in Coimbatore - both not interest in agricultre. He has 11
labours, 1 from Kerala and rest from Bijapur, UP and Chatisgarh

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