Tuesday 13 October 2015

Date Farm

Date Farm -Details and Expenditure from farmnest.com


yellow fruits - madhumitha
purple violet - sukriya

Tissue culture plant
spaced at 30 / 30 feet either side - 40 plants per acre
Each plant cost Rs. 2000 ( planted in the year 2008 )
Extent planted = 20 Acres
Location = Kadambathur block in Thiruvallur district 
Total plant cost for 20 Acres * 40 plants each * Rs.2000 = Rs.16,00,000 ( Rupees sixteen laksh only )
Fertilizers and manure  = Rs. 2,00,000 per year for 5 years = Rs.10,00,000
Drip irrigation for 20 acres = Rs.10,00,000 ( Netafirm )
Field preparation,pit formation,weeding,farm machinary and equipment and plant protection for 5 years = Rs.3,50,000

For 5 years total expenditure put together = Rs. 39.5 lac


End of third year  30 % plants only were female trees 70% male trees ... 240 female dates palms
Each palm on an average bore 20 kgs
Total yield for subsequent 2 years = 9600 kgs
Total income = 9600 Kgs @ Rs. 150 = Rs.14.4 lac
6 th Year all the palm date palm trees were sold @ Rs . 500 per palm = after mortality total  720 plants @ Rs.500 = Rs.3.6 lac ..All were sold for ornamental gardens in chennai ...
The Net gain / Loss to the farmer is ,  Total expenditure Rs.39.5 lac - Total income Rs.18 lac )= - Rs.21.5 lac But the farmer is still happy because he tried new idea of cultivating Date palm in his field ..The farmer is so rich .so he did not mind about loss..

However the real potential of earning from date pam is huge

Because each palm could able to produce an average yield of 40 kgs( Range 10 kgs to 120 kgs/palm/year )

Per acre can accommodate 48 to 50 plants
10 % male palms for pollination purpose . so total female palm ( 90 % ) is 45 / acre
Total expected yield @ 40 kg / palm for 45 palm = 1800 kgs to 2000 kgs ( 2 MT )
Gross income @ Rs .200 / kg for about 2 MT = Rs.4,00,000 ( Rs.4 lac ) per acre per year ....The gross income fluctuate based on the market price and quality ...
Right  planting material , ideal spacing , manuring and fertilization including  micro nutrients management just around critical period of palm growth say flower initiation and fruits development ( 4 micro phase ), plant protection against red palm weevil and Fusarium wilt , bunch protection against pest and disease and bird attack , weed control and other cultural management will sure bring annual income of around Rs. 4 lac to 7  lac per acre ..

An adage about Date palm is " Date palm grows with the feet under water , head under the fire "

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